Since 2014 we have been one of New Zealand’s leading producers of keg wine. Ideal for high-volume situations such as large bars, casinos and function centres, wine-on-tap delivers much greater service efficiency, more economically and with less impact on the environment than glass bottles.

After extensive research we chose to use KeyKegs for their unique bag-in-keg technology that reliably preserves wine quality for an extended period.
The key benefit of the KeyKeg design is the complete separation of the wine from the gas used to deliver it.
Go to to learn more about these brilliant kegs.

Having filled over 8,000 KeyKegs with our wines we are firm believers in their advantages:

• economy – about 10% lower cost than bottles
• much faster customer service – no trips to and from the fridge
• no wastage of wine down the sink from day-old opened bottles
• fresh wine from the first glass to the last, even many weeks later
• no constant disposal of empty bottles or cartons
• made from 30% recycled material
• one-way kegs so no return transport costs
• fully recyclable – disposal of used kegs via local recycling system
• lightweight and compact – a full 20 litre keg weighs just 21kg
• easy to install using existing beer lines and taps

Contact us to see how we can supply you with our premium Marlborough wines on-tap anywhere in the world.

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